Letter: Kenya's move to elections
Sir: Frances D'Souza's rejoinder (30 June) to mine (20 June), on the electoral procedure in Kenya, distorts facts. The Electoral Commission was appointed in strict accordance with constitutional provisions.
Dr D'Souza chooses to ignore that none of the registered opposition parties has elected officials mandated by the people. All are led by interim committees.
President Moi's government has broadened the Electoral Commission by two recent appointments. Already, a strong Commonwealth planning team has been in Kenya. At its recent general assembly (30 June), the National Council of Churches of Kenya abandoned its previous boycott stance and 'called on all eligible Kenyans to register as voters'.
Significantly, Article 19 is aware, but has chosen not to inform your readers, that in a joint press release the opposition groups declared that:
We, the leaders of the registered opposition political parties, call upon all eligible voters to register massively. We do this with the clear understanding that the government is responding positively.
As we move towards peaceful, transparent multi-party elections in Kenya, we invite all, including Article 19, to think constructively and resist the temptation of divisive propaganda.
Yours faithfully,
High Commissioner
Kenya High Commission
London, W1
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