Letter: Indonesia denies misuse of Hawks

Harry Haryono
Friday 23 August 1996 23:02 BST

Sir: The Indonesian government regards the acquittal of four women, charged with damaging a British Aerospace Hawk destined for Indonesia as a domestic affair of the UK and respects the verdict of the jury at Liverpool Crown Court (report, 31 July).

However, their argument that the Hawk would be used to attack unarmed civilians in East Timor is unfounded. The purchase of BAe's Hawk jets by the Indonesian government satisfies the conditions set by the two parties. The Indonesian government has never, and will never, use the Hawks to suppress the East Timorese. Assurances of this have been given to the British government. The British government has found no evidence that the Hawks were being used in contravention of such assurances.


Minister Counsellor

Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

London W1

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