Letter: Disabled protest lacked dignity

Caroline Statham
Saturday 04 June 1994 23:02 BST

THE ACTIONS of the disabled rights lobbyists prove, as did the poll tax protests, that the British people have degenerated into a disorderly rabble. How absurd to chain themselves to the railings of Downing Street.

They have the vote and can put pressure on politicians in the same way as anyone else. This hysterical behaviour does no service to democracy or to our traditions. It has already been recognised that the existing laws perhaps need some revision or clarification.

The aggressive, politically worked-up attitude of some activists is alienating. People can only take so much. One of their groups now wants to be known as The Disabling Society - this sounds perfectly horrendous.

Most disabled people are very concerned to preserve their dignity, not to throw it away as some of these protesters did.

Caroline Statham

Camberley, Surrey

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