Letter: Customs work well with NCIS

R. H. Browne
Monday 14 October 1996 23:02 BST

Sir: The Head of Customs and Excise National Investigation Service (NIS) and I were concerned to read Ian Burrell's article ("Leak reveals contempt for British `FBI' ", 11 October)

Customs officers have not "threatened to mutiny when asked to work alongside the unit" (NCIS). In fact over 40 of our staff are assigned permanently to NCIS offices, where they share and develop intelligence with colleagues drawn from the police service and from other agencies.

Customs is committed to a multi-agency approach in dealing with serious crime and will continue to support the NCIS in meeting the responsibilities which ministers have assigned to it.


Deputy Chief Investigation Officer

HM Customs and Excise NIS

London EC3

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