Letter: Conduct of the campaign against the CSA
Sir: I wish to commend Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (20 June) on her courage in investigating the intimidation and bully-boy tactics used in the anti-Child Support Agency campaign.
As a lone parent who has voiced her support for keeping the CSA, I have had first-hand experience of letters and phone calls of an abusive nature from absent parents and second wives. None of these people I have known personally. I have met many other lone parents who are afraid to speak out for fear of retribution.
The hysteria, the hype and the manipulation have clouded the real issue: that of ensuring that more maintenance is obtained for more children, more reliably. As single parents in support of the CSA, we want the freedom and the right to participate in this debate without fear of personal reprisal from the anti-CSA lobby.
Yours sincerely,
Allerston, North Yorkshire
20 June
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