Letter: Christian transformation without 'mind control'
THE ALPHA course does not just take place in the Anglican church ("Church launches massive ad campaign", 6 September). It encompasses almost every denomination and has become a uniting concept encompassing Roman Catholics, United Reformed, Baptists, New Frontiers, Anglican, Methodist, and many others.
Whatever church community we belong to, we are agreed on one thing: that people desperately need to know about Jesus Christ and to begin to form a living relationship with Him. So Alpha is a means of putting across the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly atmosphere. There is no "mind control" or persuasive technique. We tell people that we won't chase them up if they don't want to continue the course, and some do leave. However, the majority stay and find that their lives are transformed as they get to know God. He becomes real to them as they encounter Him in their homes and workplace. Some people find release from fear and others receive healing.
St Mary Bredin Church Canterbury, Kent
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