Letter: Cars promise a nightmare future
Sir: A compelling case for lower speed limits has been set out by Dr Mayer Hillman and Stephen Plowden in Speed Control and Transport Policy (Policy Studies Institute, 1996).
Raising the costs of car ownership and use will simply discriminate against the less well-off and will have little impact on the wealthy and business users, who will find the road space available to them increases as the poor are priced off the road. Those who can continue to afford to drive as and when they want to will continue to drive at wasteful and dangerous speeds in overweight and over-powered cars. Speed control is absolutely equitable and brings with it many environmental benefits including fuel economy, reduced emissions and noise pollution and the saving of life and limb. Speed control over private cars also gives public forms of transport a vital advantage.
Sweden and Norway already have lower limits which are strictly enforced.
Green Speed
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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