Letter: Bottle-fed, but still eats his greens

Kirsten Elliott
Saturday 01 February 1997 00:02 GMT

Sir: Dr Laurence Villard (letter 28 January) says his children eat their greens because they were breast-fed and never had bottled babyfood. I have a son, now a strapping 23-year-old, who also eats his greens, and always has. I still recall hearing him, at the age of four, haranguing a friend because she did not like salad.

Unlike Dr Villard's children, he was bottle-fed and ate only prepared babyfoods, after making his views on my laboriously prepared home-pureed dinners abundantly clear. However, like Dr Villard, we did, and still do, have meals together where possible, and they are still something of an occasion.

I suspect, however, that some children are just faddy by nature, and neither Dr Villard's remedies nor mine would make the least scrap of difference. I should know - I was one.



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