Letter: Blame fishermen, not Brussels
Sir: Everyone sympathises with the paucity of fish and the plight of fishermen. However, in recent years they have themselves to blame by their intensive fishing methods, which have resulted in the near disappearance of fish stocks.
The British problem has been magnified by British fishermen themselves selling their quotas to both Spanish and Dutch fishing companies.
Under Single Market rules, to which Britain has signed up, John Major has absolutely no case for asking his colleagues in the European Council to stop these Spanish and Dutch fishermen from taking over British quotas, since these rules allow the free movement of capital, people and businesses to operate within the EU countries.
The Spanish have deactivated more of their fishing fleet than has Britain. There needs to be much more serious discussion amongst the Council of Ministers responsible for fisheries policy in order to ensure that we will have fish in our seas in five years' time.
European Movement UK
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