Letter : Appeal court has judgment in store

Michael Cole
Thursday 23 February 1995 00:02 GMT

From Mr Michael Cole

Sir: Important facts have been obscured by the pre-arranged publicity accompanying the pantomime performance at Harrods yesterday starring two sheriff's men ("Bailiffs shop at Harrods for £130,000 debt", 21 February). The liability for costs arises from judgment in an action brought by Harrods to restrain the use of the name Harrodian. That is a name invented by Harrods and used by it for many years.

The judgment against Harrods last year is under appeal, as is Harrods' liability to pay the costs of the case. If Harrods succeeds in its appeal, it would naturally expect its legal costs and any damages that may be awarded to be paid by the defendant in the case, the Harrodian School Limited. The last published accounts of the school show that it has net liabilities of £214,000. Quite naturally, Harrods is concerned about the ability of the school to repay the trial costs should that need arise.

The question of the costs will be heard in the High Court next Monday, the appropriate place for such considerations, not the third floor of Harrods.

Yours faithfully,


Director of Public Affairs


London, SW1

21 February

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