Letter: All girls benefit from Work Day
Sir: Helen Wilkinson's article "One woman's equality is another's poverty," (10 March) infers that Take our Daughters to Work Day is elitist, targeting girls from professional families. This is not true; the men and women who will take "daughters" to work on 27 April this year are from all walks of life, as are the "daughters" themselves.
The day is about building partnerships, with employers and schools, inviting girls from their locality into their workplaces for the day. The beneficiaries are the girls and, ultimately, the employers for whom these girls form the workforce of the future.
The observation that young girls from "...council estates and sink schools" should be taken into the professionals' world of work" is in keeping with the philosophy behind Take Our Daughters To Work Day, and represents the cross section of participating schools.
Yours faithfully,
Our Daughters Charitable Trust
London, W2
10 March
The writer is chair of Take Our Daughters To Work Day.
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