Mother hires strippers for 16-year-old son's birthday, faces jail

Fans of MTV's My Super Sweet 16 are used to tales of outrageous parties being thrown for American teens, but a New York mother has taken the outrage up a gear (and to the attention of the NYPD) by hiring strippers for her 16-year-old son's birthday.
Judy Viger hired two strippers to entertain her son and his guests, some of whom were as young as 13, in a private room at the Spare Time Bowling Center.
Pictures of the party found their way on to Facebook and the mother of a 15-year-old alerted the police, who arrested Viger and charged her with five counts of endangering the welfare of a child. She now faces a year in jail.
The age of consent in New York is 17, and the state's law decrees that any parent or guardian of children under 18 who "fails or refuses to exercise reasonable diligence" can be prosecuted.
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