Here is a Vine of Michael Gove falling over


Tuesday 04 February 2014 12:09 GMT
Michael Gove visits a primary school in 2011; four-year-olds will take tests upon entering the reception year
Michael Gove visits a primary school in 2011; four-year-olds will take tests upon entering the reception year (Eddie Mulholland/REX )

A 2011 clip of Michael Gove falling over has resurfaced this morning which - depending on your view of the Education Secretary - may or may not make a good accompaniment to browsing through coverage of his legacy in the Independent.

From today's paper, Steve Richards writes on Michael Gove's political journey - and the death of the Tory moderniser's dream.

An editorial from yesterday laments Mr Gove's zeal for free schools coming at the expense of sixth-form colleges.

Ian Birrell, writing in the i , feels the Education Secretary should have no shame in making political appointments.

And finally, here's him falling over.

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