The Mueller report promises a dramatic day on Capitol Hill this week

According to reports, some of Robert Mueller’s investigators say the report’s findings were far more troubling for President Trump than William Barr indicated

David Maclean
New York
Thursday 18 April 2019 10:09 BST

“No obstruction, no collusion” has been the steady drumbeat from the White House since Donald Trump’s attorney general summarised the Mueller report in a letter to congress last month. Today, we find out the whole truth.

William Barr’s four-page summary was anti-climactic, and sucked the wind from the sails of Democrats and other Trump opponents. Many had been pushing a vivid narrative of a Trump World deal made in smoke-filled back rooms with Putin’s men to place a Manchurian candidate in the Oval Office. They had imagined the findings may give cause for impeachment.

Needless to say, a hand-picked Trump official had every motivation to play down findings of the sprawling probe which included 2,800 subpoenas, nearly 500 search warrants, and 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence. That’s why the world seeing the details of the 400-page report today is so important.

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