We must show that lessons were learned from the first Covid outbreak
Editorial: Social distancing, regular testing, extending vaccination to younger people, restricting access to care homes – all desirable measures that now need to be implemented

The remarkably swift response by the health and social care secretary, Sajid Javid, to the emergence of a new coronavirus variant suggests that at least one member of the government has been paying attention, and is determined to avoid past errors. In stark contrast to the lackadaisical response to the original coronavirus – repeated, unforgivably, with the later emergence of the delta variant – action has been taken immediately to prevent, or at least delay, the arrival of the latest, highly worrying variant, B.1.1.529, or omicron as it’s been dubbed.
Imposing quarantine on visitors arriving from South Africa and surrounding nations is the minimum that needs to be done at this point. This will buy time, though the virus seems to have already made its way from southern Africa to Hong Kong, Israel and, apparently, Belgium. The signs are that it is outcompeting the Delta variant, and it may be more resistant to vaccines and treatments, though much remains unknown. The scientists need to do their research, and the drug companies will need to adapt the existing vaccines to combat the latest variant. The more time they have to prepare new defences against a possibly more deadly version of this disease, the better.
The task is urgent. Happily, the world scientific community and the big pharmaceutical companies have the capacity to do the work, and the world is generally better prepared than it was in the early, bewildering months of 2020. Individuals know what needs to be done, and many will already be adjusting their personal routines in the face of this fresh threat. Christmas plans, inevitably, will need to be revisited.
More travel controls seem likely to follow and the sad history of Covid shows that a response can never be overdone or applied too early. Given the existing spikes in Covid infection and the pressure on the NHS, it would also be prudent to now launch the so-called plan B. More working from home, face coverings and other modest measures can repress the existing Delta variant, which would be a relief for ambulance services, GP surgeries and hospital wards – but would also slow the spread of omicron.
It is perfectly possible that a traveller from South Africa has even now unknowingly brought the variant into the UK, and it will spread. With plan B in place the damage it will do will be slower than it otherwise would be. Again, that is the lesson of previous outbreaks – that acting quickly and decisively means shorter lockdowns in the longer run. Social distancing, regular testing, extending vaccination to younger people, restricting access to care homes – all have always been desirable measures that now need to be implemented.
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Minds now need to turn as well to the prospective economic response. Again, lessons can be learned, and more positive ones than was the experience with public health. Once again, the economy and jobs will need to be protected. This is probably not the time to be pressing ahead with tax increases and pushing interest rates higher. It may well be that such support will be expensive, but the cost of doing nothing to keep the economy running would be still more grievous.
The wider lesson to be learned properly is that no country, no matter how rich, can rest secure if a disease such as Covid is endemic anywhere in the world: no one is safe unless everyone is safe. With remarkable foolishness, the world’s richest advanced economies failed to share enough expertise and vaccine doses with the poorer south, leaving the virus to spread and mutate freely into new variants.
Sooner or later a more virulent version was bound to emerge, and it was not going to tamely confine itself, in this case, to one province in South Africa. The world had an opportunity to “send the coronavirus packing”, to borrow a half-forgotten soundbite, had it taken a global approach to a global disease. Instead, too many countries assumed, irrationally, that if they suppressed the disease within their own borders then all would be well. It was a staggering miscalculation, made all the worse because the science and history of other communicable diseases shows how viruses refuse to respect boundaries and do not discriminate between potential hosts, or victims – as the world will soon learn all over again.
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