Leading article: Wedding belles
So Peaches has emulated her late mother by tying the knot in Vegas, and in so doing, saved her wealthy Papa a packet. With only a few minutes' notice, so it is reported, he sent his warmest wishes from the other side of the world. For most people, marrying on a whim in the American gambling Mecca, with the photographer roped in as the single witness, might be seen as a challenge to convention. For a lass of Miss Geldof's dysfunctional background, it almost looks like joining the establishment.
Some hard-hearted cynics have said that the perfunctory nuptials at the Little White Chapel on the Strip were not about love or marriage at all, but about the pair promoting the new husband's first rock album with the indie band Chester French (there's the plug). But maybe not. At 19, Miss Geldof (as was) is old enough to make her own decisions. And to marry in haste is not always to repent at leisure. We wouldn't place any bets on it, but the stability that just might follow from getting hitched could end up being the making of her.
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