Leading article: Inspiring example
The campaign against the Army's use of Snatch Land Rovers has been raging for several years now. And powerful voices in Parliament and the media have condemned the use of the lightly armoured vehicles to transport troops.
But it is Susan Smith, whose son was killed in a Snatch Land Rover in Iraq in 2005, who has done most to bring this deadly problem to the attention of the British public.
Yesterday, the High Court ruled in favour of Ms Smith's argument that there should be a judicial review into the Government's refusal to hold a public inquiry into the Army's use of the vehicles. This does not mean that an inquiry is inevitable, but it opens the door to one.
Ms Smith's campaign is an inspiring example of what one motivated individual can achieve in the face of official intransigence and denial. We can be confident that she will see this case through to the end, wherever it may lead.
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