Leading article: Bad taste
"I Think women are really good at multi- tasking", says Kate Moss in an interview with the fashion news website WWD. Very true. But, sadly, Ms Moss does not seem to have mastered the art herself. For later in the same interview she manages to use her mouth, but not her brain.
Asked whether she has a motto, Ms Moss replies: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". This phrase was probably invented as an archly outrageous remark, like Leona Helmsley's witticism about only the little people paying taxes. The problem is that thousands of impressionable young women (and a growing number of young men too) take it seriously. The phrase is widely used among anorexia and bulimia sufferers. And for one of the most famous models in the world to apparently sanction such dangerous nonsense is irresponsible.
Next time Ms Moss speaks publicly, she perhaps ought to remember that she is not just a fashion model, but a role model too.
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