The Independent View

Labour must make sure that it deals with race openly, as it has promised

Editorial: The respected barrister Martin Forde ought to have received plaudits for his work for the Labour Party in highlighting some of its internal issues regarding race. The fact that he has instead been subjected to legal letters shows that Keir Starmer still has work to do to get his house in order

Wednesday 19 June 2024 19:53 BST
Martin Forde was commissioned by the party to report on its culture, factionalism and management during the antisemitism scandal
Martin Forde was commissioned by the party to report on its culture, factionalism and management during the antisemitism scandal (Screenshot)

Sir Keir Starmer, as he often reminds us, has spent the last four years changing the Labour Party and preparing it for government. For that act of statesmanship, he should be thanked.

Every democracy needs a strong principal opposition party that can present itself as a plausible replacement government. This the UK now possesses, for the first time since Labour lost power in 2010. Vindicated by public opinion, Sir Keir has had remarkable success in his endeavours.

There is one area, however, where the difficult legacy of the past continues to haunt him and his colleagues – race.

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