
Donald Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally was an orgy of fascism

Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe’s racist joke was the least of it – Trump’s set-piece in New York to cap his presidential campaign will go down in history as the moment the curtain was brought down on the American century, says Sean O’Grady

Monday 28 October 2024 13:34 GMT
Tony Hinchcliffe labels Puerto Rico 'floating island of garbage'

As a global emblem of the present state of the Republican Party, the triumphalist “triumph of the will” Trump rally in New York’s Madison Square Garden this weekend has few peers.

The cast of support speakers was a succession of political Hallowe’en ghouls – Elon Musk, Rudi Giuliani, Tucker Carlson, Mike Johnson – playing disciples to the Messiah of Trump Tower. And the low point came with a chap by the name of Tony Hinchcliffe.

For those who don’t know him, he’s a self-proclaimed “right-wing comedian”, with a line in racist patter. He maybe thinks his satire is all about shocking bien-pensant, liberal, polite society – and he certainly succeeded. He even stunned the Trumpians with his references to Latino lust, as well as Black and Jewish tropes. (In New York City!)

But it was the gag about Puerto Rico, an American territory in the Caribbean, US citizens all, that went down especially badly: “There is literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico…”

Somewhat more insidiously, Carlson took it upon himself to casually promulgate the fascistic “great replacement theory”, as pernicious an idea as any to the peace of America.

With zero sense of irony when applied to a nation and an audience almost entirely made up of the descendants of migrants, Tucker, who styles himself a journalist, declared: “People know in a country that has been taken over by a leadership class that actually despises them and their values and their history and their culture and their customs, really hates them to the point that it’s trying to replace them.”

It’s appalling. As Democrat organisation Battleground New York described it: “A torrent of unhinged crazy, racism and xenophobia.

“Whether it was targeting Puerto Rico with obscene hate, continuing to claim the 2020 election was stolen, or trying to lay the groundwork to say the same in 2024, this rally was an obscene display of unvarnished bigotry for millions to see.” Correct.

But isn’t the problem that, well, an awful lot Americans enjoyed the unhinged content, think Kamala Harris really is a “devil”, and, if anything, it will galvanise them to vote for Trump?

It is not going to cause much of a backlash or destroy the Trump campaign. People, on the whole, have long since made their minds up. In a presidential election where a Democrat (in both senses) is on the ballot standing against a fascist, a man increasingly compared to Hitler, millions and millions and millions of Americans will be plumping for the heir to Adolf.

They do not, it seems, cherish their liberal democracy and finely balanced constitution as is supposed. They prefer a “strong man” who shares their worst instincts. They don’t object to fascism too much, really – not if it means cheaper gas.

It could happen that America chooses fascism, and the erosion of its civil and human rights. And it would not be the first time that a great Western civilisation had decided to recede into the darkness.

Given what Donald Trump’s policies would inflict on the cohesion of his country, on its place in the world, and on its economy, we may soon be witnessed the end of “the American century”, which began with its rise to globalism in the First World War.

Well, there you go.

I am fully aware that the silliest, worst thing some foreigner can do is to write some snobby, condescending, uncomprehending article about American politics – telling them what to do and how to vote (usually anti-Trump, but, sometimes pro-Trump). This is not such an argument. It’s their country, and the Americans can do what they like with it.

But we can express a view. Those of us who don’t live in the United States are still entitled to an opinion on what happens there – the same as we would be on the elections in Japan or Georgia, and especiallyv so as the sheer weight of American diplomatic, military and economic power affects virtually everyone else on the planet.

I’m not going to tell Americans to vote for Kamala Harris rather than Trump, because it would be impertinent to do so; just as we wouldn’t want them telling us to get the Labour government out. (Which is why Labour activists going off to “help” the Democrat campaign in Pennsylvania always felt such a naive and patronising exercise. Generally keeping out of other nations’ internal affairs makes for easier diplomatic relations).

Rather, this is just a plea to accept America and Americans for what they are – and try to be used to the idea that, in a few days’ time, they will indeed have the nearest thing to a fascist as a president that they have ever had.

Even if Donald Trump doesn’t win, he will, once again, have come uncomfortably close to doing so; and, despite the personal cult he’s developed, there’s every reason to believe that someone very like him – and perhaps smarter and even more dangerous, such as JD Vance – will emerge to take and abuse the imperial powers of the presidency. These have, after all, been greatly enhanced by the Supreme Court judgment lending a president far more immunity for any actions taken as part of their executive duties. That’s what Richard Nixon, by the way, always wanted but was denied to him; the doctrine of “if the president does it, it’s legal”.

It is, admittedly, hard for some of us who aren’t American to understand why so many Americans are so enthused by Trump – and what he stands for. But they certainly know what they’re voting for. He’s been a celeb for decades, and a politician for nine years. They know all they need to know (and more) about the guy; the MSG rally was a true reflection of him.

Trump’s staff say that the Puerto Rico joke doesn’t reflect his views, even though he recently used the exact same word – “garbage” – to describe refugees. A few years ago, in the same vein, when he was president, referred to Haiti and African nations as “s***hole countries” during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House.

American voters know what Trump thinks about the Mexican “drug dealers, criminals, rapists”; the Haitians “eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the pets”; and the “China virus”, the “Wuhan flu”. They surely recall when he suggested injecting disinfectant as a treatment for the coronavirus.

They lived through the fire, fury and chaos that reigned in the White House. They know virtually everyone who worked for Trump now despises and disowns him (Pence, Scaramucci, Kelly Tillerson...). They know he wants his generals to be more like Hitler’s, and to be loyal to him, Trump 47, and not the constitution. They know Trump as a draft dodger who dishonours veterans and the fallen as “suckers and losers”. They know he’s a felon, and they are aware of his behaviour towards women. They are fully cognisant that he thinks trade is bad and tariffs are going to make America great again.

He wants to take over the Federal Reserve and will devalue the dollar’s value and status. He will let his friend BiBi “finish the job” in Gaza, Lebanon and Iran. He will continue to appease Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin while waging a cold war on China. Nato will be weakened. He and his ally Musk will emasculate the media – political and commercial rivals. He’ll rip up the Paris Climate Accord and “drill, baby, drill”.

American women will suffer from partial abortion bans. He will keep on packing the Supreme Court. He’ll appoint Robert Kennedy junior to “go wild” on vaccines, food and medicines. He will use the military against American citizens. He will break up families and deport millions, via no doubt brutal detention camps. He will abuse the judicial system to go after enemies. He will “be your retribution”.

As he himself puts it, after four years of Trump, the Yanks won’t have much of a country left.

But that’s their sovereign choice. If they want to give up on their Republic, then we in Europe – and elsewhere – have no option but to write America off. We will have to chart out own future, and put ourselves first, too.

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