Moving across the country is a good way to reassess your possessions

Like many people, I’ve reached ‘peak stuff’

Janet Street Porter
Friday 23 August 2019 19:52 BST
I've had to rent a storage unit for my belongings
I've had to rent a storage unit for my belongings (ALAMY)

This week, my move to Norfolk was completed, coinciding with two sobering pieces of news according to the Royal Society of Chemistry we have 40 million unused electronic devices in our homes (many of which could be recycled), and the latest survey from the CBI reveals that High Street sales are falling at the fastest level since 2008.

There’s a reason why we are buying less – like many people, I’ve reached "peak stuff". From now on, purchases must be confined to food as the house is full.

I’ve rented a storage unit as well as filling a dilapidated barn with dozens of boxes, containing gadgets, clothing, rugs, enough linen to supply the local hospital, picnic sets and coffee machines that fell out of favour.

I’ve got microwaves, hairdryers and ancient chrome two-bar fires – exactly the same kind as the Queen is still using at Balmoral.

My 12 tomato plants have also made the journey from Yorkshire, wrapped up like mummies in the back of a truck, and are gradually adjusting to life in East Anglia – never mind the dog, they are part of my extended family.

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