The Third Leader: Stormy weather
Bit nippy last night, or what? Still, mustn't grumble, even if that rain is going to work its way down eventually, winds brisk to blustery, outlook unsettled for the rest of the week with temperatures in the region of 15C. Thank you, milk, no sugar. Mmm, that's better. Have you seen the new-look BBC weather forecast, by the way?
Bit nippy last night, or what? Still, mustn't grumble, even if that rain is going to work its way down eventually, winds brisk to blustery, outlook unsettled for the rest of the week with temperatures in the region of 15C. Thank you, milk, no sugar. Mmm, that's better. Have you seen the new-look BBC weather forecast, by the way?
They've gone for this 3D approach, very hi-tech, takes you beneath the clouds in a whoosh of wizardry. There's a vertigo sufferer in Stratford-on-Avon who says it made him come over all queer, but I rather enjoyed it. Can't say as I'm entirely convinced by everything being coloured brown rather than the old green, but there you are, although it does make me wonder if we're about to get another of Mr Prescott's announcements about rural development.
Mind you, I'm not sure about these summaries in big letters. "Cold Start Bright" was the one they flashed up yesterday, which had the feel of a warning about it, like Good Die Young or Early Bird Catch Worm. And why are they still telling us what it's been like and what it's like now? It's not exactly a forecast, is it? If I want to know what it's doing now, can't I just look out of the window?
Ah, well, not to worry, things have improved no end since someone told me you just have to multiply the centigrade by two and add 30. Did you know, by the way, that if you say the weather will be the same tomorrow you've got about a 70 per cent chance of being correct? Lovely weather for ducks, that's what I say. Brollies up!
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