Middle Class Problems: Friends with a pool are great but how to engineer that 'we were just passing' moment on a sunny day?

The friends with the pool are good company at any time, but when the weather hots up, a weekend afternoon in their garden seems especially enticing. Would we like to swim before lunch? Well, come to think of it, that would be delightful, thank you. Change in the shed and mind the rakes? Splendid.
But short of an out-and-out invitation, how to engineer that "we were just passing" moment on a sunny day? A book borrowed and not yet returned, perhaps – although this requires forward planning. A hand-delivered invitation to a future something at one's own home, dropped in when the thermometer climbs? But they've only just been to you, twice (you're building up hospitality credits, you see). It'll look a bit odd.
And you can hardly just be passing with a rolled-up towel and your cozzie under one arm. No, what you are really waiting for is the summons, and those three little words that mean so much: "Bring your things."
Beep beep. A text! "Come for lunch. Pool is 24C." We're on! Find the togs, the towels, the wine, the respectable knickers, the body lotion. Pack and go. Knock, knock. Hello! We're here!
The gardens are ravishing, the table inviting, but, eclipsing all, the pool shimmers seductively, little ripples churning teasingly across the sapphire surface.
Shall we swim first? Yay! This is it! Our host is obeying all the conventions. And then, a terrible innovation. "We're not bothering with costumes. That's OK, isn't it? We're all friends here, ha ha ha."
Perhaps a nice glass of prosecco will do, instead.
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