Gerhard Schröder: 'When it comes to preserving peace, who do you trust?'
From an election speech by the Chancellor of Germany to a Social Democrat party conference, held in Berlin
In the next couple of years, we will face difficult, if not dramatic challenges. Think about it. Who you would trust to deal with those challenges in a bold, powerful way, being able to remain calm when it comes to international conflicts, presenting Germany's interests in a confident yet not arrogant way, even when powerful friends disagree.
It is about fighting for peace in the most resolute way. When it comes to protecting Germany from terrorism without jeopardising democracy and human rights, when it comes to dealing with conflicts between economic and social interests in a way that preserves our peace which made us strong - when it comes to all this, who would you trust?
The things I have done present the real dimensions of the upcoming decisions. These are the questions that really matter at the polls on 18 September. Ms Merkel [CDU] and Mr Westerwelle [FDP] have not the slightest answer to these questions. They are playing hide and seek with you, the voters. It is a gamesmanship. What they really offer is a show with no substance.
I suggest you have a closer look. Ms Merkel and Mr Westerwelle are planning to disband our social market economy, which made our country so strong and successful. I say, the society which Ms Merkel and Mr Westerwelle favour is cold, does not display any solidarity, and is therefore inhuman.
CDU and FDP politics focus on splitting Germany. The division between East and West, which we thought we had got past by now, is being brought up again as a cheap tool in election campaigns. These CDU and FDP politics are destroying the inner peace of our country.
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