Why are they trending? Lewis Hamilton, McLaren, Libor, Luis Suarez and #ireadthedailymail

28 September 2012 - what's trending and why?

Emily Jupp
Friday 28 September 2012 11:54 BST
McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton has switched to F1 rival Mercedes.
McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton has switched to F1 rival Mercedes. (GETTY IMAGES)

Lewis Hamilton, McLaren

@LewisHamilton is trending today because the Formula One driver has switched from a 14-year-long association with McLaren to go to F1 rival Mercedes in a deal reportedly worth £60million.

The 27-year-old will replace the famous driver Michael Schumacher next season as Schumacher retires.

Hamilton has tweeted an Instagram picture of his vehicle with the words "I have the best fans in the world, some of them are here. Whether at the track or my hotel, i am so grateful"


The London Interbank Offered Rate is the average interest rate estimated by leading banks in London that they would be charged if borrowing from other banks. It is the benchmark for more than $300 trillion of securities worldwide.It's trending today because it was found to be succeptible to manipulation by devious traders who fixed the rate to get better deals for themselves. The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has come up with a ten-point plan to try to fix Libor, which may be secured by criminal penalties.

Luis Suarez

Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers may have challenged referees over their treatment of Luis Suarez but the striker is trying to take it all in his stride.

@luis16suarez tweeted: "Go on Liverpool!!!!! Great victory away and very important to start winning. CONGRATULATIONS to all my teammates!!!!"


This comedy hashtag - which began as a tweet asking for praise from "‏DMReporter" the parody account mocking the requisite byline on all the Mail's unattributed stories, saying: " SURVEY: We know you love the Daily Mail, but why are we your favourite paper? Tweet praise using #ireadthedailymail and we’ll RT the best." is trending on Twitter in a orgy or disgust against the tabloid paper.

Ironic tweets include:

"ireadthedailymail because I'm desperate to know the value of the property in which a victim of a fatal attack lived. #priorities" - from Gia Milinovich (@giagia)

" ireadthedailymail because my food cupboard has 2 sections labelled "cures cancer" and "causes cancer" and I like to know where to put stuff "- from Adam Jacobs (adam_j666)

and " ireadthedailymail because thanks to it, straight, healthy, employed white men finally have a voice." - from Andy Shaw

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