Today's Twitter trends: One Direction, LWWY video, #Newsnight, Top Dog Model #hollyoakslater
Sept 21st, 2012: What’s trending and why?

One Direction (1D) have released their new song 'Live While We're Young' (LWWY) after it was leaked online.
Featuring a video of the boys frolicking, and the lyrics: "I know we just met, but lets pretend it's love....tonight let's get some, and live while we're young/ hey girl it's now or never, yeh it's now or never, don't over think just let it go..." it will undoubtedly be used as the background music to teens popping their cherries across the country.
1DFanProblems tweets: "My alarm is LWWY and when it went off I wanted to KILL MYSELF."
Twitter is abuzz with the revelations from last night's epidode of Hollyoaks Later, the post-watershed spin-off from the daytime soap of the same name. Click here for more (contains spoilers).
Actor @bronaghwaugh tweets: "You think tonight's DARK?!! Just u wait my pretty lil jellybeans...2moro gives birth 2 something unimaginable!! #HollyoaksLater #nogoingback".
There are two resons for this hashtag:
1) The Vince Cable-Jeremy Paxman tussle in which Cable apologises for breaking his party's tuition fees promise. has been made into a rather nice auto-tuned music video by website The Poke.
2) On Newsnight last night, Juliette Binoche discussed why the Kate Middleton topless photos were published in France. You can watch it now on iPlayer.
Yes, there is an actual TV show called Top Dog Model. It does what it says on the tin.
CeliaPacquola tweets: "Be aware, we live in a world where Top Dog Model is a real show & "With that, Daisy bow wows out of the competition" is a real quote."
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