The charity Space for Giants fits elephants in Laikipia, Central Kenya, with GPS collars to monitor their movements, giving us a unique insight into their daily lives. You can now follow four of the tagged elephants on Twitter.
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They'll be tweeting about their daily adventures, the distances they covered, the trouble they run into, who they like to hang out with, and any mischief they get up to. You’ll soon find out that all of them have their very own personalities…
Kimani is one of Space for Giant’s largest and best known bull elephants. You can identify him by his long outward pointing tusks and a hole in the lower left ear. He is an extremely accomplished fence breaker! When he was first collared in 2004, he would travel from the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, in central Laikipia, all the way south, breaking through five electrified fences, to reach another conservancy.
Follow Kimani's movements on Twitter: #ElephantsLive
You can easily spot Carlos, as his left tusk is broken. He is still young and therefore relatively small, but he will grow considerably larger in the years ahead if he can avoid the threat of poachers! He is a sociable young bull and is often found in the company of other, older bulls who he is learning from.
Follow Carlos's movements on Twitter: #ElephantsLive
Tyson has broken both his tusks, most probably in play fights with his peers. He is a young elephant and so rather playful, he also still has plenty of growing do. He is quite unusual in that he is a bit of a mummy's boy, often found in the company of a female led family group, which is unusual for an elephant of his age.
Follow Tyson's movements on Twitter: #ElephantsLive
Evgeny is one of the oldest and largest bulls and his tusks are very long and heavy. He is unaggressive in nature and likes to spend his time in the company of seven other bull elephants. When it comes to fence breaking, he’s often the leading offender in the group, but will only break a fence and raid crops in the dry season when food is scarce.
Follow Evgeny's movements on Twitter: #ElephantsLive
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