Daily catch-up: What is Norway trying to say with its flag?

Plus David Cameron's big New Labour speech, and some late nominations for Misleading Definitions of English Words

John Rentoul
Thursday 08 October 2015 08:54 BST

This cut-up of the Norwegian flag is clever by someone called WOOF or kelanroman.

I commented on David Cameron's One Labour, New Nation conference speech for Independent Voices yesterday (and made a Storify), and have done a What The Prime Minister Said And What He Meant for The Independent today.

The speech was very Blairite in that it was centrist, but it didn't mention the cuts to tax credits for the working poor planned for next year. Blair didn't like Gordon Brown's tax credits much either, but would never have hit those on lower incomes so hard. I wonder if George Osborne might find a way of retreating without retreating in the "Autumn Forecast and Spending Review" on 25 November. Perhaps policy will come full circle and he will announce tax allowances for people in work with children on lower incomes.

Best question asked in an opinion poll ever:

Have you ever taken your shirt off and twisted it around your head just like a helicopter?

Thanks to Professor Philip Cowley, and congratulations on his move from Nottingham to Queen Mary University of London.

I am still collecting nominations for Top 10 People Who Would Have Been Good on Twitter – with Twitter name and sample tweet, such as @potus_abelincoln: "OMG this play is sooooo awful. Someone just shoot me L", from Brendan Barnes.

Brendan also supplied some late contributions to my collection of Misleading Definitions:

Misleading: feminism. Unisex: student recreation. Incontinent: abroad. Smirk: what comes out of chimneys in Newcastle. Cubicle: oddly shaped body part. Onomatopoeia: a cat that hasn’t yet learned to use the litter tray. Suffocation: holiday in Lowestoft.

And he offered "carpe diem" for Misleading Translations: fish of the day.

Many thanks.

And finally, thanks to Tiffany Stevenson for this (via Lee "Budgie" Barnett):

"Is World Smile Day like World Simile Day?"

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