Are car-sharing apps the new Tinder?

It's a way of meeting somebody new and actually being able to look them in the eye, rather than just messaging somebody

Friday 11 December 2015 18:03 GMT

I have for some time now been asking myself, what would I do without Uber? Not just for the obvious, spectacularly convenient reasons that we all know about, but also when it comes to relationships.

The act of getting an Uber to be with someone quickly, spontaneously and because-if-you-don't-the-world-will-cave-in, is such a romantic notion. And I do it all the time. When there's been an argument so bad it feels like the only reasonable response is to speed over there (at reasonable cost). I know the phone won't cut it, I need the face-to-face. It's too late for public transport, and the minicab waiting times are too long. I need to go NOW! It works, too. There's something passionate about the urgency.

Then I heard about UberPool, and it's taking “relationship aid” to entirely new levels. In case you haven't heard, UberPool is an app-based car-sharing service, which launched in the UK just the other day. Basically, you can share your ride home with someone else on your route in order to split the cost. It's been around in the US for a while now and is being dubbed “the new Tinder”.

Think about it. You're sharing a cab with a stranger – what if that stranger happens to be somebody you fancy? Bingo! It's quite an exhilarating thought – the “what if?” factor. A friend of mine in LA says there's a lot of talk about “UberPool hook-ups”, likening them to speed dates: “You get in the car, your 'date' gets in. If you like them – great – if not, they'll be getting out in 15 minutes anyway. No big deal.” It's a way of meeting somebody new and actually being able to look them in the eye, rather than just messaging somebody. This is progress, I thought!

How long before UberPool is dubbed “the infidelity wagon?” That'll be the next thing. Has there ever been an app that's quite so flexible?

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