Miles Kington: This tall, handsome stranger's a lord of the fells
Today, thanks to an anonymous well-wisher, I am able to bring you the second half of "The Ballad of Lord Bragg of Cumbria"...
By one of those odd
Geographical mistakes
The high point of England
Is known as The Lakes.
* * *
Yes, it's called the Lake District
(An uninspired name)
But the Peak Place is what
It should be, all the same.
* * *
The Scots have their Highlands
While the Mountains of Mourne
Are bagged by the Irish
In old County Down,
* * *
But the top points of England
Are known as the Lakes!
(With the Peaks down in Derbyshire,
For heaven's sakes!)
Never mind. No matter.
It won't hurt our tale,
Which takes place last summer
In an unpleasant gale
* * *
Which swept through the hills
(Though the forecast said sun)
And caused inconvenience
To everyone
* * *
Especially a climber
Whom we shall call John
Who was caught in the open
With summer gear on.
* * *
"Oh, Coleridge! Oh, Wordsworth!"
Swore John as he froze,
And felt all the feeling
Depart from his toes.
* * *
"Those poets, though dreamers,
Were tougher than me.
I wish that I knew
What their secret could be!
If only some bard
Of our modern day
Could come round the corner
And take me away!"
* * *
At that very moment
– 'Twas a marvel to see –
A man dressed in hill gear
Came along down the scree
* * *
And said: "Hello, climber!
Now, tell me, good sir,
Are you in some trouble
Or do I err?"
* * *
"No, trouble," said John,
"Is just what I'm in!
I'm freezing to death
'Cos my clothes are too thin!"
* * *
"Then I'll get you to safety,"
Said the tall handsome stranger,
And into some warmth
From out of this danger..."
"God bless you!" said John.
"And who may you be?"
"I'm Lord Bragg of Cumbria
Also NW3."
* * *
Lord Bragg of Cumbria,
The great polymath?
Equally at home
In history and math?
* * *
Lord Bragg of Cumbria,
The cosmopolite?
Fell guide by day,
Arty farty at night?
* * *
Lord Bragg of Cumbria?
John sank to his knees!
And then from behind
Some nearby trees
* * *
Came two more smart people.
"I'd like you to meet,"
Said Lord Bragg of Cumbria
"Messrs Jones and Street,
Professors of history
Of what makes man climb,
Which is the subject
Of today's In Our Time!"
* * *
So tell me, Jones,
In brief, if you can,
When the impulse to climb
Was first seen in man?"
* * *
"Well, we know from remains
Of the First Stone Age
That men climbed up mountains
At a quite early stage..."
* * *
"But when did we first feel
That using our feet
To climb up a mountain
Was holy? Street?"
* * *
So the trio droned onwards,
While John, cold and tired,
Grew quickly unconscious,
Then, as quickly, expired.
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