Captain Moonlight: Real news starts here
RIGHT. Time for the Captain's Catch-Up Service, my exclusive guide to the week's other news . . . A gunman who attempted to rob a Hare Krishna temple's jewellery store in Los Angeles was set on by three members of the peace-loving sect, who broke his jaw. A police spokesman said: 'They're nice people, but don't get those Hare Krishnas mad' . . . A baby hedgehog dropped from the sky by a passing magpie on to a barbecue at Holsworthy, Devon, escaped with only a burnt nose . . . Slimmers should not lick stamps, the Shropshire Women's Institute has warned, because the gum contains 5.9 calories . . . Estate agent Jeremy Nicholls was rushed to hospital after being bitten by a caterpillar. Expert David Carter fears the insect was a brown-tail moth larva. 'They are very dangerous if they get anywhere near the eyes' he said . . . And finally, Sophia Loren, a caring mother, has installed a pounds 15,000 fish tank in her sons' Californian home so that they can enjoy their own fresh lobster . . .
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