Brightlingsea is not riddled with fishwives Animal export provides feud for thought

Norma Dinnie-Weall
Saturday 30 September 1995 23:02 BST

PETER Victor's article about Brightlingsea gives the impression that we're all a bunch of squabbling fishwives ("Bright-lingsea protestors feud after split over tactics", 24 September). This is not the case. The daily protests rarely attract less than 50 and on "big" days can be in excess of 1,000 supporters. There are also lots more wholend their support. It should be stressed that these people look to Brightlingsea Against Live Exports (Bale) for information and inspiration - not Horror Out of Farming (Hoof).

Hoof may have access to the wharf, but it is those outside who have exposed overcrowding, overloading, ill and infirm animals and lorries not being weighed. They have also negotiated with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and local Trading Standards to resolve these problems - thereby improving conditions for the animals. Hoof has alienated itself by its actions which many see as a betrayal of animals. Its association with an animal exporter merely exacerbates this situation. They cannot expect support under these conditions.

Norma Dinnie-Weall

Regular Brightlingsea Protestor

Colchester, Essex

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