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Starmer celebrates Labour landslide as 14 years of Tory rule come to an end


Starmer celebrates Labour landslide as 14 years of Tory rule come to an end

Keir Starmer thanked supporters with a grin as he gave a speech following a ‘landslide’ Labour win at the general election.

“Change begins now”, he told the crowd as the results came pouring in. “It feels good, I have to be honest, four and a half years’ work changing the party - this is what it is for. A changed Labour party.”

Following 14 years of a Conservative government, the Tories have so far lost over 240 seats across the UK.

In the new Labour manifesto, they’ve promised 10 policies to ‘change Britain’, including NHS reform, establishing Great British Railways, and introducing free breakfasts in primary schools.

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