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Labour unveils faux 'Rishi's Mega Mortgages' shop front


Labour unveils faux ‘Rishi’s Mega Mortgages’ shop front in south London

Labour set up a faux “Rishi’s Mega Mortgages” shopfront on the campaign trail in south London on Friday 28 June.

The tagline on the bright blue signage, which includes pictures of prime minister Rishi Sunak’s floating head with a wheeler-dealer style glinting tooth, reads in bright yellow: “Every deal will leave you worse off!”

The number “£4,800” was also featured in the biggest font, emblazoned across the front, with one window for each digit.

“Here’s my deal of the day. Your mortgage up £4,800”, the shopfront reads underneath.

The signage also said “Rishi’s latest raw deals” and “you should be grateful”.

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