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Teenage killer Bardia Shojaeifard who stabbed Alfie Lewis, 15, to death unmasked


CCTV captures killer teen fleeing murder scene after stabbing Alfie Lewis to death

A killer teen was captured on CCTV fleeing a murder scene after stabbing 15-year-old Alfie Lewis to death in Leeds.

Bardia Shojaeifard, who was 14 at the time of the murder, stabbed Alfie in te cest and leg, sortly befoe 3pm on 7 November, last year.

The incident happened in a busy street during school home time, outside a local primary school, when Alfie was on his way to meet friends from Horsforth School, where he had previously been a student.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing Alfie backing away and being heard saying “chill out” and “what are you doing?” as Shojaeifard swung at him with the knife.

He ran off, leaving the knife near the scene, and was arrested from his home about an hour later after being identified by witnesses.

Shojaeifard was today (21 June) given a life sentence with a minimum term of 13 years.

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