Travel: Departures: Travel bookshelf
Best-selling sporting travel guides:
1. Activity Holidays '94 (Charles Letts, pounds 4.50).
2. Desert Biking: a Guide to Independent Motorcycling in the Sahara (Travellers Press, ( pounds 9.99).
3. France by Bike, by Karen and Terry Whitehill (Cordee, pounds 10.95).
4. Diving and Snorkelling Guide to Belize, by Franz O Meyer (Pisces Books, pounds 7.99).
5. Travelling the Turf: Companion to the Racecourses of Great Britain and Ireland 1994 (Kensington West Productions pounds 15.95).
6. Stormrider Guide: Surfing Europe, by Oliver Fitzjones and Timothy Rainger (Low Pressure Publications, pounds 14.95).
7. The Golf Guide '94: Where to Play, Where to Stay (FHG Publications, pounds 7.99).
8. British White Water, by Terry Sturry (Constable pounds 10.95).
9. The Climbing Guide to Scotland, by Tom Prentice (Crowood Press, pounds 13.99).
10. Vercors Caves: Classic French Caving, by Des Marshall (Cordee, pounds 7.25).
Information supplied by The Travellers' Bookshop, 25 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ (071-836 9132).
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