Open Jaw: Bhutan direct

Where readers write back

Saturday 14 January 2012 01:00 GMT

I very much enjoyed Ben Ross's article on 17 December. However, I question your choice of route. Why put people through a transfer in India, with all its visa costs, when you can use Qatar Airways to Kathmandu via Doha? Much less hassle.

We stayed at very simple, but clean and comfortable places. I particularly recommend the Gangtey Palace in Paro, a beautiful old Bhutanese-style building, with lovely valley views.

Penny Proudlock

Welcome to the jungle

Beautifully narrated. Seeing a tiger in the jungles of India is the ultimate experience. Previously, tigers were killed by the locals for trade. But now most people understand the importance of protecting them.


Festive Spain

An impressive list – but it excludes one of my favourite Spanish festivals, the Romaría Vikinga in Catoira. It's held near the ruins of the fabulously Tolkienesque "Two Towers", the last remnants of the towers built to defend against Norman invaders. The festival mostly involves an invading force of extraordinarily drunk Vikings being half-heartedly fended off at the mouth of the Ulla River by some of the sweetest people on the planet.

Eric West

Los Reyes is a fiesta held all over Spain on 5 January when the three kings visit the baby Jesus. For a very different carnival, I suggest Entroido, which is more traditional and celebrated in Ourense and the Ribeira Sacra.

"Joe Public"

Heathrow Terminal 4

I was sorry to read about Simon Calder's recent poor experience at T4. Since T5 opened, BAA has invested £160m in T4. The independent Airport Service Quality survey says this has significantly improved passengers' journeys through the terminal. In 2008, only 55 per cent of passengers rated their journey through T4 as either "very good" or "excellent"; last year, 68 per cent did so. The survey rates T4 as one of the most improved airport terminals in Europe. We know there is more to do and that too many passengers still don't have a great experience, but I hope you agree that we are getting better.

Simon Baugh, Director of Media and Public Relations, Heathrow Airport

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