My Life In Travel: Colin Jackson
'I love Toronto - it has the American lifestyle, without the hassle'
First holiday memory?
First holiday memory?
Pontins in Brixham. I went in 1982 and had a great time, because it was the first time that I'd left Wales, the first time I'd been to Devon and also the first time I'd been in a car for such a long period. Brixham was such a picturesque place, on the River Dart, where we were used to muck about.
Best holiday?
I've been to Toronto several times and I would say that my best holidays have been there. I love it as a city, particularly because you can enjoy the North American lifestyle without the hassle you can get in the US. I always feel safe there. We always have plenty of late nights and lots of gorging on unhealthy food.
Favourite place in the British Isles?
It has to be Wales. I come from Cardiff, and one of the luxuries of living there is looking out of my window over the bay, the city and towards the Brecon Beacons - it's absolutely lovely. I'm a big fan of South Wales, but North Wales isn't too bad either.
What have you learnt from your travels?
To be able to handle different cultures. Because I've had to travel so frequently through work, I've also learnt how to be independent, and how to pick up aspects of different lifestyles.
Ideal travelling companion?
My iPod, which is a bit sad. I work and travel with a lot of people, so it's nice to get up in the morning when I'm travelling and drift off with my iPod on, not having to talk to anybody.
Beach bum, culture vulture or adrenalin junkie?
I'm a combination of an adrenalin junkie and a culture vulture. I love going to museums and listening to guides talking about what's there. But when you go to the Alps you've got to ski. I absolutely love skiing, it's what winter is all about. I'm definitely not a beach bum.
Greatest travel luxury?
My credit card. It can open many doors.
Holiday reading?
I only read magazines when I travel, which tend to be a combination of lads' mags, which keep me entertained, and publications about where I'm going, so that I know what's around and available when I arrive.
Where has seduced you?
The Alps. They're great in any season, depending on what you want to do. I love the tranquillity and the sheer beauty of them. I think it's incredible that you can look around and there are places where people have never been. I have never been to The Rockies, but my parents tell me that they're phenomenal so I must get there at some point. I'm a big fan of mountains and skiing.
Better to travel or arrive?
I like journeys, they're always entertaining. Once you've arrived that's the end.
Worst travel experience?
Touch wood, I've never lost anything or experienced rude people.
Worst holiday?
I've never had one, I've always been lucky.
Worst hotel?
While I was filming for the BBC I stayed in a £3-a-night hut in Koh Samet, Thailand. It had no bathroom facilities or air-conditioning whatsoever, but it did have 24-hour electricity, which I was told was a luxury.
Best hotel?
A hotel called Vigilius in the Italian Alps. If you're looking for peace and tranquillity this is the place to go. You can only get there by cable car and it's beautiful. I also love the Four Seasons Pierre in New York, because it's got the best beds. They are so comfortable.
Best meal abroad?
In Sestriere in Italy. We arrived very late at night at this Italian pension and the people were so helpful. They asked if we were hungry, which of course we were and they knocked us up this amazing dish of spaghetti with mackerel. It sounds like an unlikely combination, but it was incredible.
The first thing you do when you arrive somewhere new?
Go and check everybody else's room, in case they have a better one than mine! I tend not to bother unpacking unless I've got really nice formal clothes.
Dream trip?
It would be a round-the-world ticket starting in London and stopping off in Thailand, Melbourne, Hawaii, Denver, Toronto and New York. These are all places that I've been to before and absolutely loved and have got great memories of.
Favourite city?
Toronto. It has so many similarities with Britain but I also love the North American lifestyle. The seasons are so distinct there too, which I love.
Where next?
I'm off to Vienna. I'm going primarily for work, but afterwards I'm going to go off to do a bit of skiing - that's what winters are made for!
Colin Jackson is a broadcaster and the 110-metre hurdles world-record holder
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