Instagram travel blogger criticised for posting ‘dangerous’ selfie on train tracks

Instagrammer’s snap of herself standing on train tracks sparked outrage online

Helen Coffey
Wednesday 14 November 2018 11:19 GMT
Patricia posed in front of a train at Maeklong Railway Market
Patricia posed in front of a train at Maeklong Railway Market (Instagram/oneoceanaway)

How far would you go to get the perfect Insta-shot? With the rise of the dangerous selfie, some are concerned that influencers are setting a bad example with risky photoshoots.

Travel influencer Patricia is the latest to come under fire for such behaviour, after posting a picture of herself in front of a moving train on Instagram.

She uploaded a photo in which she is standing on the tracks at Maeklong Railway Market in Thailand. The railway runs right through the market, and market sellers have to move their wares out of the way every time a train approaches.

This image caused backlash online
This image caused backlash online (Instagram/oneoceanaway)

It’s become a popular attraction, shown by the fact that everyone else in the photo has their phones out, attempting to photograph or film the moving train carriage.Patricia is the only one to take things a step further and pose on the tracks.

The Spanish blogger and designer has since removed the snap from her Instagram account (@oneoceanaway_) after it became clear that not everyone was supportive of her daredevil picture.

“Probably not the best to promote photos like this. There are tons of kids who get in hot water attempting to emulate pics like this. Just my two cents,” wrote one commenter.

Another said: “It’s a stunning shot but we can’t tell from a photo how fast this train is going. People could (and will) easily get the wrong idea. Railway tracks are not meant to be walked on, no matter how slow the train is going.”

In the original caption, Patricia, who lives in Singapore with her husband Michael, acknowledged that locals weren’t happy with her behaviour: “They said that it was really dangerous what I was doing. They were holding their cellphones filming how the train was coming at 5 km/h speed while screaming at me saying that I was at risk.

“Well, to be honest at that speed even a turtle would have saved its life...”

After the backlash on social media, she responded by captioning her latest Instagram post: “I wanted to clarify something here. I need to agree that I was wrong in posting the picture at the Maeklong Market and with the caption for it as well.

“The picture gives a wrong impression of what the intention was. It is showing a dangerous situation in a positive light although the main focus was supposed to be on the market itself. For this my sincerely [sic] apologies.

“As I have mentioned several times in the comments: I WOULD NEVER RISK MY LIFE FOR A PHOTO. Please, DON’T DO IT YOURSELF.

“We constantly hear sad news about people risking their lifes [sic] for a photo and it is terrifying. Social media is a platform to share our content and it should never promote dangerous situations. SORRY FOR THAT!”

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