The 15 November, 2005, Mega Millions Jackpot numbers are 2, 4, 5, 40, 48 and the MEGA number is 7.
T J Murphy
That girl, the one you're crazy about. Don't go there buddy. You're bad for each other – toxic would be putting it mildly.
Aman Anand, Can't get enough of them
Everything Dad says is wrong. Choose better people. Don't cross street on 10/03/95. Dr wrong, you CAN have babies. Avoid Chuck B and Joe J.
Heidi McDonald
Drop everything right now. Start a web service where people send public messages of 140 characters or less. You'll be a billionaire.
Mike Tsao, Librarian, Film Critic, Web Designer
2005/11/15 MM Jackpot=2,4,5,40,48;7.Major=CS,Karen!�3,&buy AAPL!Don't slack off+Aim higher.Have fun;college is short.Passwd:**************.
Benjamin Juang
Look for fun and interest don't follow the money drink less get laid more often sun tan bad.
Martin Thomas
When you are 26 you will only regret one thing – not seeing Michael Jordan play. Buy tickets now!
Tim Nikolaev
You aren't Einstein. Just focus on what you enjoy, you don't owe anyone anything more.
Matt Johnson
Whether fate be foul or fair, why falter I or fear? What must man do but dare?
Bo Brustkern
Unless partying is leading to getting laid. Stop partying and start studying. Getting laid in your late 20s is way less work...
There is no guidebook to life, and the earlier you make something happen, the quicker you will stop dreaming.
Bilawal Hameed
It's going to be every bit as cool as you think. Keep tinkering with computers. Skip that second date with Debbie.
James Bryce Clark, lawyer
Take Computer Science!
Caroline Barry
Don't change a thing.
Jim Barcelona
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