The top free iPhone applications by country* for the week, by number of downloads, recorded on September 6.
1. USA
Hoggy (games)
Eat all the fruit in the jars to escape and rescue your girlfriend from the clutches of the evil Moon Men in this retro arcade style game.
2. UK
Doodle Pool (games)
The popular bar room game is bought to the iPhone with this app. Users can choose to play a variety of different versions such as US 8 ball rules, US 9 ball rules or UK 8 ball rules. Players use their fingers as a cue to try and pot the balls.
3. France
Backbreaker Football (games)
An American football game for the iPhone, the app takes into account tactical aspects of American Football such as defense, while also allowing users to add their personal touch by customizing their team's jersey.
4. Canada
Hoggy (games)
See "Hoggy"
5. Japan
Eitan 2000 (education)
Eitan 2000 is an app for Japanese people who want to learn English. The app helps users memorize vocabulary and is divided into different levels depending upon schooling.
6. Australia
Hoggy (games)
See "Hoggy"
7. Germany
365 Sex Position -The Eden Compass (entertainment)
Promoted as "the ultimate guide to sex positions" this app not only contains 365 different positions but it also allows you to monitor your "progress" in each one and even calculate how many calories you burn per session.
8. China
?? (lifestyle)
The ?? (Taobao) app from the popular online Chinese shopping site of the same name allows users to browse online deals as well as track and make purchases.
9. Italy
Hoggy (games)
See "Hoggy"
10. Korea
?????? (education)
?????? (Roughly translated as 'Common Sense' in English) keeps users up-to-date with what's happening in the business world and allows them to test their knowledge before applying to a position in a corporation.
*The countries listed are those markets in which the most iOS devices have been sold worldwide. The list of top ten countries is based on AdMob's April 2010 estimate of the worldwide iOS User Distribution.
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