The Twittersphere is abuzz with the news of Google’s NFC mobile payment system, “Google Wallet.”
Twitterers are sharing the headlines - “Google is announcing Google Wallet and Google Offers: ‘Your phone will be your wallet’" and “PayPal sues Google over mobile wallet technology” - and voicing their opinions about the soon-to-be launched service.
Common sentiments about Google Wallet in the microblogs include, “just read up on the Google Wallet app, seems like we are getting closer to getting Rid of the job called ‘cashiers,’” “Apparently Google has obtained so much information, it now needs a wallet to hold it all in” and “How secure do you think Google Wallet is?!”
The first three positions in Twitter’s list of top topics are filled with the hashtags “#everymanshouldknowhowto,” “#lessinterestingbooks” and “#palabraschistosas.”
Canadian pop star Justin Bieber and American actress Selena Gomez are on vacation together in Hawaii. Microbloggers are positing links to photos of “Justin & Selena” whilst joking “Lmfao I just saw the picture.. Selena is driving the jetskii and justin is sitting behind her cause you must be 18+ to operate it..”
Twitter users are also asking their followers if Justin Bieber is sporting a temporary “henna” tattoo or a permanent tattoo in the photos.
Europe’s “most wanted fugitive,” Ratko “Mladic” was arrested by Serbian security forces on May 26. His last name now appears in seventh place in Twitter’s most talked about topics.
Microbloggers are trying to convince others to follow them with fifth place term “TANPA FOLLOWBACK UNTIL,” the name of American movie “ Pootie Tang” is in eighth place and “Death Eater,” a fictional character from the Harry Potter movie series follows in ninth place.
The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on May 27 at 7:30 AM GMT are:
- #everymanshouldknowhowto (new)
- #lessinterestingbooks (new)
- #palabraschistosas (new)
- Google Wallet (new)
- Justin & Selena (new)
- Mladic (new)
- Pootie Tang (new)
- Death Eater (new)
- Henna (new)
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