Twitter users are celebrating the release of Lady Gaga's latest full length album, Born This Way, with third place hashtag "#pawsupbornthisway."
Born This Way microreviews are abundant on Twitter, as are tweets linking to Amazon’s digital copy of the entire album for $0.99 (
"#AndroidUnlimited" is back at the top of the chart, promoted by American network Sprint.
"#20cutestfollowers" is in second place, "#unamujeresatractiva" is in fourth place and "GODNEY BILLBOARDNEY" is in sixth place.
The name of American animated TV show " Kim Possible" is fifth in the list of most talked about topics on Twitter and the name of former Major League Baseball right fielder "Sammy Sosa" is ninth on the chart.
Conflicting reports from local and international media about the death of Taliban leader "Mullah Omar" have the Twittersphere wondering if he has been killed or not.
Microbloggers are talking about rapper J. Cole and his latest single "Return of Simba" with eighth place term "Cole World."
An ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano is expected to reach Europe in the next few days. Despite the possibility of flight disruptions, Twitterers are making light of the situation joking that "Ok, so when they said last weekend would be the second coming, turns out they meant the Icelandic ash cloud," and "Busy week. Obama and an Icelandic ash cloud coming over."
The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on May 23 at 7:30 AM GMT are:
- #AndroidUnlimited (promoted)
- #20cutestfollowers (new)
- #pawsupbornthisway (new)
- #unamujeresatractiva (new)
- Kim Possible (new)
- Mullah Omar (new)
- Cole World (new)
- Sammy Sosa (new)
- Icelandic (new)
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