On the morning of May 20, Twitter users are posting about a CBS interview in which Lance Armstrong’s former teammate Tyler Hamilton revealed that the cyclist used EPO, a banned performance enhancing drug, when he won the “Tour de France” in 1999.
Twitter users are commenting snidely, “Lance Armstrong accused of cheating. Who cares? Technically, isn't using a bicycle to get from 1 place to another cheating?” and “Wait, so someone is accusing Lance Armstrong of cheating? Next thing I'll learn is that the Mideast peace process is a mess.”
“#sometimesyouhaveto” is new in first place, “#itshardwhen” drops one place to second position, and “#antesdelfindelmundo” makes its first appearance in third place.
Microbloggers are jokingly wondering if they should be preparing for a “Zombie Apocalypse” or the “end of the world.” The fourth place term, however, is being promoted to advertise the opening of Sean Kirkpatrick directed flick “Cost of a Soul.”
Indonesian Twitterers are asking their followers if they prefer surfing brand “Ripcurl” or skate brand Volcom with the ninth place topic.
The name of Spanish singer “Joaquín Sabina” is in seventh place, “SELU,” an abbreviation for the Southeastern Louisiana University is in fifth place, and “IETU,” short for “Impuesto Empresarial a Tasa Única” (the Spanish phrase for “business tax rate”) is in tenth place.
The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on May 20 at 6:30 AM GMT are:
- #sometimesyouhaveto (new)
- #itshardwhen (-1)
- #antesdelfindelmundo (new)
- Zombie Apocalypse (new)
- SELU (new)
- Lance Armstrong (new)
- Joaquín Sabina (new)
- EPO (new)
- RIPCURL (new)
- IETU (new)
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