Twitter creates Black History Month chatbot #ForTheCulture
The chatbot provides users with facts, events in major cities, and popular content from prominent black users

Twitter launched a chatbot Wednesday to kick off the start of Black History Month.
Blackbirds, the company’s resource group for black employee, created the bot to provide users with facts, events in major cities, and viral content from black users. All users need to do is DM the chatbot the following four hashtags: #BlackHistory, #ForTheCause, #SelfCare, and #ForTheCulture.
The company also reworked the raised fist emoji for the #BlackHistoryMonth and #BHM.
"We recognize the incredible impact of black people and culture on our platform every day, so we wanted to contribute to that conversation in a meaningful way during Black History Month through this bot," Shelby Williams, a brand planner at Twitter and Blackbirds member, told Mashable.
"Self-love and community were big inspirations when we were building this chatbot,” she explained, ”so we wanted to integrate them in a way that would be meaningful to users and allies alike.”