This week's most popular Diggs: World’s largest tidal turbine, 'Mirror’s Edge'

Tuesday 31 August 2010 00:00 BST
(2003-2010 ReadWriteWeb)

The most popular news, videos and images as picked by Digg users during the last seven days, recorded on August 31.

1. I had heard Mirror's Edge was short, I guess they added this feature to make it a much longer game - an article hosted on that links to a photo of the packaging of a Mirror’s Edge video game with a sticker saying “Play with a guitar controller or expand to a band.”

2. Digg 4 Goes Live-ish to the Public - an article hosted on about the launch of Digg’s new website version.

3. Stewart: FOX Failed To Mention Co-Owner Is One They Accuse Of ‘Terror Funding’ - an article on the Huffington Post in which they show how the Daily Show With Jon Stewart links FOX’s search for the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ terrorists leads back to one of the network’s biggest shareholders.

4. What. The. f**k. " An influential Israeli rabbi has said God should strike the Palestinians - an article hosted on that links to a news story revealing that an "influential Israeli rabbi has said God should strike the Palestinians and their leader with a plague, calling for their death in a fiery sermon."

5. World's largest tidal turbine (1MW) to be deployed later this summer in Scotland - a page linking to an article about the world’s largest tidal turbine.

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