This week's most popular Diggs: NASA finds new life form, lost photos from Pearl Harbor

Tuesday 07 December 2010 01:00 GMT
(All rights reserved)

The most popular news, videos and images as picked by Digg users during the last seven days, recorded on December 7.

1. US Soldier: "What the F**K happened to OUR country while we were gone?" - a soldier recounts his story of being able to pass through airport security while a fellow soldier is forced to relinquish his pair of nail clippers.

2. How to Freak Out Your Neighbors - a photo of a wireless network that has been named "FBI Surveillance Van #42."

3. NASA Finds New Life - an article about NASA's discovery of a never-before-seen arsenic-based life form that "will change how we search for life elsewhere in the universe.".

4. Ron Paul: "What we need is more WikiLeaks" - A Texas Republican Congressman suggests we need more websites like WikiLeaks.

5. Photos From Pearl Harbor bombing stored in camera for 68 years - an article that claims the series of Pearl Harbor bombing photos on the website were found stored on a 68-year-old camera.

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