PC game download deals for October 29-31 and beyond: Halloween specials

Friday 29 October 2010 00:00 BST
(All rights reserved - Valve)

Halloween weekend has resulted in festive-themed sales across a number of websites, including bargains on quality titles such as Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Space, and Plants vs Zombies, and a "pay what you want" offer on Tale of Tales' three-game bundle.

Steam, Direct2Drive and Good Old Games are all celebrating the season with Halloween sales - though many vintage gaming fans will be just as excited about GOG's Neverwinter Nights re-release as they are about the discounted Gabriel Knight series.

Of particular note are proven best-sellers Left 4 Dead 1+2, Dead Space, and Plants vs Zombies on Steam, and Heavy Rain's ancestor Fahrenheit is joined by stone-cold classic roleplayer Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines on Direct2Drive.

Get Games join in with the deviously difficult modern retro game VVVVVV, while Direct2Drive and BigFishGames both have Halloween coupon codes available for use.

Click through to each store to see full sale lists.

Frictional Games - http://www.frictionalgames.com
Amnesia: The Dark Descent $10 / €7,65
Penumbra Collection (3 games) $10 / €7,65

Tale of Tales - http://taleoftales.com/DoD
Pay What You want Bundle: The Graveyard + The Path + Fatale (minimum $3)

Steam - http://store.steampowered.com
33-75% off in the Halloween Sale, including
Aliens vs. Predator $4.99 / €9,99
Amnesia: The Dark Descent $13.99 / €10,04
BioShock $4.99 / €4,99
Burn Zombie Burn $4.99 / €3,99
Dark Fall: Lost Souls $6.79 / €6,45
Dead Space $9.99 / €9,99
Ghostbusters: The Video Game $9.99 / €9,99
Left 4 Dead + Left 4 Dead 2 $14.99 / €14,99
Overlord I, II, Raising Hell $7.49 / €7,49
Plants vs. Zombies Game of the Year edition $4.99 / €4,99
Resident Evil 5 $14.99 / €14,99
Worms: Reloaded $9.99 / €9,49
Zombie Driver $4.99 / €4,49

Direct2Drive - http://www.direct2drive.com
15% off horror games with coupon code "kreepy", including:
Amnesia $16.95
FEAR $8.45
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines $16.95
Plants vs Zombies $8.45
Painkiller $4.20
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth $9.95
Fort Zombie $2.12
Bloody Good Time $4.20
Manhunt $8.45
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse $8.45
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Directors Cut $8.45

Good Old Games - http://www.gog.com
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers $3.59
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within $3.59
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned $3.59
Phantasmagoria $5.99
Phantasmagoria 2 $3.59
Vampire the Masquerade - Redemption $3.59
New game: Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition, $9.99

Impulse - http://www.impulsedriven.com
AI War: Fleed Command €7,16, Zenith Remnant expansion €3,58
Penumbra Collection (3 games) €7,50
Haunted House €5,99
Amnesia: The Dark Descent €8,00
Tidalis €3,58
Plants vs Zombies Game of the Year Edition €5,37
Fort Zombie €1,99
Gratuitous Space Battles CE (inc 3 expansions) €17,92
Resident Evil 5 €14,95

Big Fish - http://www.bigfishgames.com
All standard games 50% off / $4.99 with coupon code "SPOOKY"
Inc. Mystery Case Files and Hidden Expedition series

Get Games - http://www.getgamesgo.com
VVVVVV $5.00 / €3,49
The Club $3.75 / €3,75
Race Driver: GRiD $14.99 / €9,99
Commandos Complete $2.59 / €2,00
Condemned: Criminal Origins $2.45 / €2,49
Cryostasis $12.99 / €9,99
You Are Empty $12.99 / €9,99
Bundle deal: You Are Empty, Cryostasis, Vivisector, NecroVision, NecroVision Lost Company $19.99 / €14,99

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