International Women's Day Google Doodle - and tweeting for equality

A Google Doodle and Facebook page for International Women's Day are a great way to share the cause with the world - but is one day enough? Here are the social media campaigners reminding us that more still needs to be done

Emily Jupp
Friday 08 March 2013 07:00 GMT

This year, International Women's Day is being celebrated in a big way online. Today's Google Doodle is a montage of chubby female cartoon faces of all ethnicities smooshed together and IWD's Facebook page has at least 5,454 people talking about it RIGHT NOW.

Women’s Day 2013 is making its presence felt on laptops, smartphones and PCs the world over. But is one day enough? Here are the social media heroes (and heroines) who have fought the feminist battle day in, day out, and are campaigning to remind us what more still needs to be done.

Everyday Sexism @EverydaySexism

Think we’ve won the battle against sexism? Think again. It’s there and it’s so insidious that sometimes we don’t even notice it. Everyday Sexism is a project documenting the little (and large) ways sexism is still a big part of our everyday lives. Titbits from the Twitter account include “Male colleague in cafeteria: “So, now you're out of your contractual probation period, you'll start having babies, right?”” and ”Only 17% of the UK tech workforce is female”. Tweet @EverydaySexism your examples of misogyny to get retweets and raise awareness.

No More Page 3 @NoMorePage3

A campaign to eradicate boobs from the Sun. They recently won a partial victory, when a supporter tweeted media mogul Rupert Murdoch, saying: "Seriously, we are all so over page 3 - it is so last century!" Murdoch replied: "You maybe [sic] right, don't know but considering." They also just got Lego to drop an advertising deal with the paper, by bringing a ‘topless’ lego model to LegoLand Windsor

Visible Women @VWCampaign

There's been a lot of debate at i Towers recently about how ambition and aspiration have become dirty words in our schools and workplaces. Visible Women caught onto the concept sooner that most, and have been encouraging women to aspire and champions women in leadership. Share inspiring bon mots with the VW community by using the hashtag #iamvisible.

The f-word @thefworduk

A broad church on contemporary feminism. Follow @thefworduk for short stories, interviews, debates and other interesting missives on the nature of womanhood.

See more Independent Voices articles for International Women's Day:

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