YouTuber brings broken smartphone back to life - as a robot

YouTuber Medhi Sadaghdar can show you how in his recent video

Doug Bolton
Tuesday 08 March 2016 13:18 GMT
A rudimentary robot may be lurking inside your smartphone
A rudimentary robot may be lurking inside your smartphone

Do you have an old broken smartphone lying around the house somewhere? Then why not turn it into a robot?

That's exactly what YouTuber Mehdi Sadaghdar did in a recent video, after his efforts to bring a destroyed phone back to life disastrously failed.

In one of his trademark videos, electronics expert Sadaghdar tries in vain to repair a phone he broke in a previous video, burning and electrocuting himself mulitple times along the way.

Ulimately, he gives up, and decides to cannibalise the device to turn it into a 'robot' for his daughter.

Using the phone's vibrator, a coin battery, a simple switch, a few wires and the bristly part of a toothbrush, he manages to make a simple little toy that can skitter around a tabletop as long as the battery lasts.

It's not the most revolutionary device in the world, but at least it's more useful than a knackered smartphone.

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